A deer came bounding from left to right, graceful and lithe as it leapt in front of the porch ...and began to bark like an angry Rottweiler.
It did not stop to chat or explain itself, merely kept barking alarmingly as it sailed past the deck and crashed into the woods, yarking at the top of its lungs.
Yes, I said the deer barked. Like this guy at around 1.17
Everything in my brain was on hyper alert.
Stimulus recorder: Deer! Barking!
Command Central: Deer do not bark. Repeat, recalculate input.
Stimulus recorder: Deer! Still! Barking! Bark! Bark!
Command Central: Impossible. Deer are mute.
Stimulus recorder: Negative. Sounds emerge from deer. Bark.
Command Central: WTF.
So there I was, tranquility shattered, furiously searching the interwebs with queries to the following:
Nothing useful was coming up. Deer grunt, they sigh, they cry, but apparently, they do not bark.
So I went to youtube and found our above fearlessly barking deer. But my deer had no horns. My deer was just your average run of the mill, unpronged deer. I decided to consult the expert searchers and immediately Skyped Tobi at work.
Jaime: Whatever you are doing now, drop it. I have an emergency
Tobias: What is it baby!
Jaime: A deer just ran by the window barking and I have no idea what it means.
Tobias: ?
Jaime: Yes.
Tobias: The deer BARKED?
Jaime: That's what I'm saying, but none of my searches are coming up with anything GOOD.
Tobias. Woah.
In his wisdom and years of interwebery magic, and Danish fluency, he was back in five.
Tobias: Deer bark when they are afraid or excited.
Jaime: Excited?
Tobias: Yeah. You know.
Jaime: Oh. I don't think it was excited.
Tobias: Is it still barking?
The thing had continued to sound like it was ralphing up its guts in canine fashion for a good five minutes after flashing through my yard. Then it stopped. Five minutes after that, as I was catching my breath and wits, a bird came flying as fast as it could right into the huge picture window and bounced off in a cloud of feathers.
There was no body to be found. I'm pretty sure the Danish wildlife may be insane. Or excited. Either way, watch out. Deer have been holding out on us.
I just love to read your writings! They make me smile and laugh! I love YOU! oxox