Monday, May 21, 2012

There is a thing to life...

When life hands you lemons, you can make lemonade...or move to Denmark to live on a sailboat with your hot Danish Prince....and drink it there.

This is my new plan.  Also, the new reality.  See the picture for proof.  Here we are on the boat.

Our life is simple and uncluttered. We eat steak for dinner and drink champagne.  We shower in coin operated bathrooms at the Marina.  We bike into Aarhus for coffee and beers, while commenting on the state of people who wear tights well and poorly.

The greencard scheme, as they call their tricky password for letting foreigners stay in Denmark is getting schemed by US.  Yes.  We have a miniature greenhouse. Nothing can stop us now.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. That sounds like living! What is the name of the sailboat?
