Saturday, February 11, 2012


I know what I'm going to do there...on the trail, as I'm walking. And now I have an inkling of how the carpet will roll out after...

It hit me on the drive back to Sylvan today like a whale to the side of a canoe. It was so clear I burst into tears from the overwhelming clarity of the vision, the surety of its incarnation. This is happening more frequently all the time, with less space between the next move. So breath-taking, so lovely. The perfect melding of my lifelong desire to work with people to discover how beautiful they really are...and what that means specifically for them. It coincides with global access and massive ripple possibilities. Also, the chance to make a material living and continue the insatiable desire to understand, learn and evolve in self-awareness.

The sense was so much YES, my entire body tingled and danced with expansion....this life I am creating is gorgeous and filled with amazing people. I want to marry the entire expression. Til life do us part, etc.

VIVA in every pore, one step, and one step more...the vistas so far are unprecedented.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Barry Brailsford told me weeks before I set foot on Te Huarahi O Rongo Marae Roa, "The trail will start to walk you long before you see it...and will continue long after you have stepped off it."

He was right.

Three years ago, almost to the day, I started walking intentional pathways of the spirit. Now, 48 days before I leave for Spain, El Camino de Santiago de Compostela is calling to me louder than ever.

It is speaking in whispers of encouragement from friends, sponsors coming forward from places I have walked, like Icebreaker, and the smolder burning in my chest at the sound of flamenco and sun.

The terrain is different than before, but the warmth and unfurling of support from the universe feels familiar like family. There is much yet to do before I leave, moving out of my flat, finishing my job, meditation retreats, fundraising and loving my friends. Through it all, I hear the word, "Ultreya", or "Courage!...Keep going!" winding us together and blessing this adventure. The trail is stretching out before me and I am ready to take the first step.

Come with me and experience the wonder of wishes coming true at every age.